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Morning Cup - Goat Milk Soap

Morning Cup - Goat Milk Soap


2 FOR $12


This one smells just like walking into a coffee shop! It's a sweet mix of cinnamon, nutmeg, freshly-brewed coffee, warm pastries, sugar cane, tonka bean, strawberry, and heliotrope.



- these bars weigh about 5 oz each in weight
- bar dimensions are 2.75" w x 3" h x 1.125" d

Place your soap in a dish that drains (not flat on the tile or in a non-draining dish!) and ensure that it doesn't get wet between uses. This is optional, but it will definitely make your soap last longer.

  • Goat Milk Highlights

    • Moisturizing

      Goat milk is high in butterfat and fatty acids, which help nourish and lock in moisture. It can soften and soothe dry, damaged, or irritated skin, and is especially good for conditions like eczema and psoriasis. 

    • Gentle

      Goat milk soap is less likely to irritate the skin than commercial soaps and detergents because it doesn't contain harsh chemicals or detergents. It can remove dirt without stripping your skin of oils, and is often considered mild enough for people with sensitive skin. 

    • Exfoliating

      Goat milk contains lactic acid and other alpha-hydroxy acids that can help break down dead skin cells and prevent them from clogging pores. 

    • Antiseptic

      Goat milk soap's antiseptic properties can help fight off bacteria and other microbes. 

    • Anti-aging

      Goat milk soap may help reduce wrinkles and delay signs of aging, and may even help keep skin youthful and acne-free. Vitamin A in goat milk can also help renew skin cells. 

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