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Juniper Berry & Bergamot -Activated Charcoal

Juniper Berry & Bergamot -Activated Charcoal


2 FOR $12


Earthy clean Juniper Berry & Bergamot



- these bars weigh about 5 oz each in weight
- bar dimensions are 2.75" w x 3" h x 1.125" d

Place your soap in a dish that drains (not flat on the tile or in a non-draining dish!) and ensure that it doesn't get wet between uses. This is optional, but it will definitely make your soap last longer.

  • Activated Charcoal Highlights

    • Exfoliation: Activated charcoal can gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities. 
    • Reduced pore size: Activated charcoal can help reduce the size of pores. 
    • Reduced breakouts: Activated charcoal can help reduce acne breakouts by removing impurities and toxins from the skin. 
    • Reduced inflammation: Activated charcoal can help reduce inflammation. 
    • Reduced signs of aging: Activated charcoal can help prevent signs of premature aging when used regularly. 
    • Even skin tone: Activated charcoal can help make skin more even toned. 
    • Supple skin: Activated charcoal can help make skin more supple. 
    • Smooth skin: Activated charcoal can help make skin more smooth. 
    • Tightened skin: Activated charcoal can help tighten and firm skin over time. 
    • Treatment of conditions: Activated charcoal has been used to treat conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dandruff. 
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